PICO-8 rnd() Bug

(this page is under construction!)

// run this with `clang proof.c && ./a.exe`

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef unsigned int u32;

int bit(int b, u32 x) {
  return (x&(1<<b))!=0;

u32 _p8_m_high=0x01234567;
u32 _p8_m_low =0xDEADBEEF;
u32 _pico8_random(u32 n) {
  if (n == 0) return 0;
  u32 swap=(_p8_m_high << 16 | _p8_m_high >> 16);
  u32 old_low=_p8_m_low;
  _p8_m_high = swap + old_low;
  _p8_m_low = swap + (old_low<<1);
  // notice:
  // * (bit(3,n) means the 3rd-least-significant bit of n)
  // * Property 1: bit(0,_p8_m_high) == (bit(0,swap)+bit(0,old_low))%2
  // * Property 2: bit(0,_p8_m_low) == bit(0,swap)
  return _p8_m_high % n;

void test() {
  // Lowercase letters are placeholders for bits,
  //   different from each other and not important
  // Uppercase letters are variables that always hold
  //   the same value throughout this calculation;
  //   i.e., iff A is 1 at the start, it is still 1 at the end
  u32 x=_p8_m_high;

  // _p8_m_high = 0xaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaA bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb // new var: A
  // _p8_m_low  = 0xcccccccc cccccccc dddddddd dddddddd
  // swap       = 0xbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaA // notice: A
  u32 y=_p8_m_high;

  // _p8_m_high = 0xeeeeeeee eeeeeeeE ffffffff ffffffff // new var: E
  // _p8_m_low  = 0xgggggggg gggggggg hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhA // A ends up copied here (Property 2)
  // swap       = 0xffffffff ffffffff eeeeeeee eeeeeeeE // notice: E
  u32 z=_p8_m_high;

  // _p8_m_high = 0xiiiiiiii iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj jjjjjjjJ // new var: J=(E+A)%2 (Property 1)
  // _p8_m_low  = 0xkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkk llllllll llllllll

  // notice:
  // * J=(E+A)%2 (follows from Property 1)
  // * (E+A)%2 == E xor A
  //   (can be proved easily by looking at all 4 possible values for A and E)
  // * proof completed!


int main() {
  for (int i=0; i<10000; ++i) {